
Top 10 food myths that harm your productivity


There are many misconceptions that can lead you astray. It's time to debunk the myths!

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Imagine this - after another long and busy day at work, you finally sit down to eat and someone says, "Why are you eating so late? You know you'll gain weight!" Where do these rules come from? And why do so many people continue to follow them without considering whether they are based on real facts?

According to studies, almost 50% of people between the ages of 23 and 38 still believe in at least one myth about food, such as "don't eat after 6 p.m." or "carbs are your enemy". With nutritionism becoming so popular in recent years, all sorts of theories about healthy eating are starting to emerge, and in this ocean of information, many misconceptions can lead you astray.

Imagine an employee who skips lunch because he is afraid he will get sleepy or gain weight. Or another who only relies on energy drinks and snacks during the day to stay focused.

According to the Harvard Business Review, such eating habits lead to a drop in productivity and concentration by up to 45% compared to those who eat a balanced diet.It's time to refute a few food-related claims that aren't based on science and to introduce truly healthy eating habits that can keep you energized throughout the day.

1. If you eat after 18:00, you will gain weight

It's what and how much you eat that matters, not what time. And also how physically active you are. Yes, you should indeed stop eating 2-3 hours before bedtime so you can digest your food and get a good night's sleep, but that's not as achievable for busy people who work until 6-7 pm. - We recommend that they prepare their dinner a day in advance, and cook in larger quantities so that they don't risk eating unhealthy foods at the end of the working day when they don't have the time or energy to whirl around in the kitchen.

2. Carbohydrates are your enemy and lead to weight gain

Wrong. Carbohydrates are an important part of the diet as well as a major source of energy for the body. Healthy, complex carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, etc. To lose weight, you need to reduce simple carbohydrates - those found in sugar, sweets, crisps, or sweetened drinks, including juice. The easiest way to avoid these foods is... not to keep them in a drawer at home or at the office, because we know how tempting it is. 

A tricky situation is office gatherings during birthdays or co-workers' anniversaries when treats are plentiful. It's a good habit to bring a few kilograms of fresh fruit to the office on your birthday. We assure you that there are colleagues who will enjoy them as much as when you treat them with candy or cake because it will make them feel refreshed and energized.

3. Fats are bad for your health

Wrong. Many people shy away when they hear the word "fat," but the truth is that the body needs it for vitamin and mineral production, brain and heart health, and to maintain energy stores. 

foods that contain healthy fats

what are the healthy fats that are good for your body

You've all noticed that if you haven't had enough to eat for a while, your energy levels drop and your mood often deteriorates. In such cases, you may feel lethargic and without the necessary motivation. That's why these foods are great as in-between meals during the work day because they're easy to carry and fill you up quickly so you can fit them into your busy schedule.

On the other hand, unhealthy fats are found in fatty meats and hydrogenated fats, as well as sweets, biscuits, waffles, etc., so you should try to avoid such foods.

4. Gluten-free foods are healthier

Incorrect. If you don't have a doctor-diagnosed gluten intolerance, there's no reason to eliminate it from your diet. Gluten is a protein found mainly in grains like wheat, rye, barley, and oats, and if you give up these foods, you'll also be giving up valuable fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 

A Harvard study found that whole grain intake significantly reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, the development of type 2 diabetes, and deaths from such causes. So you can safely enjoy a sandwich of whole grain bread at lunch or have whole grain crackers for breakfast if you don't have time for a lunch break. These types of foods regulate blood sugar levels, which can have a positive effect on your mood and energy. This way, you'll provide yourself with the supplies you need to stay in tip-top shape throughout the workday! 

5. Drink two liters of water a day

The daily water requirement is not the same for everyone - it varies depending on a person's weight, temperature, and physical activity. As a rule of thumb, it is generally accepted to drink a minimum of 2 liters of water per day, and if you want to see exactly how much water you need, there are plenty of calculators on the internet that will help you with the calculations. 

how much water you should drink per day

Why is it so important to drink water? Water prevents fatigue during the day when productivity should be at its peak. Although people often reach for caffeine in such situations, many don't realize that it dehydrates the body, so the energy they get from it isn't worth it. 

That's why it's important to ensure your employees are well hydrated by providing them with cold drinking water (but also hot water for tea). We're sure this will increase individual consumption, and you'll be contributing to the well-being of your staff!

6. To stay healthy, you should take nutritional supplements

It depends. Most people can get all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients they need from food, but on one condition: eat a balanced diet of a variety of products - vegetables, fruits, grains, meat proteins, milk, eggs, legumes, etc. 

To compensate for some of the deficiencies in their employees' diets, companies could improve their employees' well-being by offering supplements such as magnesium, omega fatty acids, or vitamin D, in addition to other benefits. Of course, offering supplements alone is not enough, but it would certainly contribute to creating a healthier work environment.

7. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

Breakfast is often identified as the most important meal of the day, as it provides the necessary energy for the tasks ahead. However, this is not true for everyone. Some people prefer to eat at other times of the day, but this does not compromise their health. For example, those who practice fasting for 16 hours without eating anything - their research shows lower blood pressure and reduced markers of inflammation. 

Besides - the most important meal doesn't have to be the most caloric. Breakfast should not exceed 25-30% of your daily calories. Health experts recommend eating a hearty and well-balanced breakfast that energizes us gradually throughout the day.

8. If you eat little and often, you will not gain weight

It is important not to exceed your calorie requirements. Also, if you are constantly snacking, you overload the pancreas and over time this can lead to diabetes. Small and frequent meals are only recommended for certain people - for example, pregnant women, people with irritable bowel syndrome, and people with coronary heart disease.

For people who do a lot of repetitive work, the temptation to chase away boredom with snacks is quite high, so we recommend NOT keeping unhealthy snacks in drawers. At most - a piece of fruit or a packet of peanuts or almonds. No more!

9. The best way to lose weight is by fasting

what is the best way to lose weight - popular myths

It is true that to lose excess weight, you need to reduce your calorie intake. But if you don't take the essential nutrients, you will lose weight in the short term, and once you stop the diet, due to the slowed metabolism, you will quickly gain the lost weight back. 

Research also shows that employees who skip meals tend to buy less healthy food for lunch. This affects not only their physical health but also their mental well-being, which includes their motivation at work. It is therefore important to provide them with practical lunch solutions, which could be achieved with digital food vouchers from Edenred - an opportunity for employees to eat a healthy and varied diet of their choice!

10. Espresso is too strong

Many companies offer free coffee to their employees because drinking coffee has an energizing effect. For example, more than half of employees in Europe take the opportunity to drink coffee at work. Many of them adopt the so-called 'coffee break' at work as a social ritual important for personal well-being within an emotionally stressful profession.

Regarding the statement mentioned above, the strength of  the coffee depends on how long the ground coffee is in contact with hot water. So a cup of espresso contains up to 10 times less caffeine than a cup of regular or filtered coffee. So 3-4 cups of espresso per day are not dangerous.


You already know that food is not just a source of energy, it is also a major factor in our productivity and motivation at work. However, many people still follow outdated and ineffective eating habits, so it's important to distinguish these myths and rely on scientific research and real evidence regarding our diet.

In conclusion, it is clear that the adage " You are what you eat" has never been more relevant, especially in the workplace. Numerous studies have shown that employees who follow a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains are 25% more likely to work more efficiently and stay focused longer during the day. 

By encouraging healthier eating habits, companies can create a culture that nourishes both body and mind. So the next time you're thinking about strategies to boost productivity, remember that the road to success can start right in the office kitchen!

how healthy eating can impact productivity at work

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