
True and false ideas about balanced food and nutrition - Part ||


Did you know that a sweet product can contain a lot of salt? Learn the truths and untruths about a balanced diet.

17.    When the goal is to lose weight, starchy foods should to be avoided 
Starchy foods are the main source of energy for the body and therefore an important part of a balanced diet. They bring not only carbohydrates but also fibre and minerals. If they are removed from the diet, you will be starving much faster and won’t bear up to snacks between meals.

18.    Spinach is the richest food in iron                         
Fresh spinach contains about 1.2 mg of iron in a portion of 100g. This is half the quantity contained in red meat: 2.2 mg of iron in 100g of beef. Canned spinach contains more iron (about 3.7 mg in 100 g), but also more salt. Moreover, the availability of iron is better in meat than in vegetables. 

Balanced food nutrition - Spinach

19.    Only meat contains proteins                        
Other foods contain proteins, such as fish, eggs and poultry. Foods of plant origin also contain proteins, but lower quality: cereals, beans and other pulses, nuts and some vegetarian foods (quorn or mycoproteins, tofu, seitan).

20.    Needs change with age                            
Needs (in terms of energy, vitamins, minerals, etc.) are not the same during the life because the body changes. A teenager moves a lot and his body is growing: he will need much more energy during the day than an elderly person, staying in bed.

21.    Any kind of meat is high in fat                            
There are differences in the nutrient composition between the animals from which meat comes from (horse, kangaroo, pork, veal are lean meats).There are also differences between the pieces of meat from the same animal. 

Balanced food nutrition - Meat

22.    A sweet product can contain a lot of salt        
A product rich in sugar does not mean it can not contain salt. Indeed the food industry uses salt as an additive to enhance flavour, for example in breakfast cereals or in biscuits.

23.    An unbalanced diet can lead to stress and tiredness     
A balanced diet provides the vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the body. Vitamins are essential nutrients and each vitamin plays specific roles. A deficiency in some of them can result in tiredness and a lack of vitality. (Link to answer 24)

24.    A balanced diet should be completed with pills (vitamins)    
If the diet is balanced it should meet the vitamin needs of a healthy person. Indeed, a varied diet provides everything that the body needs in the right proportions for someone who is healthy. Moreover, supplements can be dangerous as an overdose of some vitamins can accumulate in the liver and cause diseases. Vitamin supplements should always be considered in consultation with a doctor.

Balanced food nutrition - Vitamins

25.    Even without added fat, products can be oily                         
Some foods are naturally rich in fat. For example: fatty meat and poultry (lamb, bacon and duck) should be eaten in maximum once a week and cooked without added fat (steamed, grilled, microwaved, and non-stick pan). Nuts such as almonds, pecans, Macadamia nuts, Cajon and Brazil nuts are also high in fat even if the quality of the lipids is good. They are also good nutritionally as they provide proteins, minerals and fibre but they should be eaten with moderation.

26.    Additives in ready-made meals are dangerous for the health    
Food additives are substances added to food to preserve its flavour or improve its taste and appearance. In Europe and in many other countries, their use is regulated by specific legislation. There is a list of the additives that are permitted, in which products, in which quantities, etc. Each additive is assigned a unique number and an acceptable daily intake.

27.    There is a “good cholesterol” and a “bad cholesterol”        
Cholesterol is transported in the blood by proteins: the high density lipoproteins (HDL) and the low density lipoproteins (LDL). The HDL leads cholesterol to the liver and it is then excreted via the digestive tract. It is the “good cholesterol”. The LDL leads cholesterol to the cells; it is the “bad” one. A diet rich in saturated fat increases the rate of “bad cholesterol” while a diet rich in mono- and polyunsaturated fat decreases this rate. The cholesterol is necessary in our body but too much “bad cholesterol” can accumulate in artery walls, obstruct the arteries and lead to a heart attack.

Balanced food nutrition - nuts

28.    Eating a balanced diet can be cheaper    
Buying and cooking seasonal and local products is a good way to eat fresh food at a low cost. See for example this calendar of seasonal fruit and vegetables. 

29.    Diet beverages are good for health                            
Diet beverages are not part of a balanced diet. The first reason is that drinking these beverages might accustom one to a sweet taste. The second reason why diet products can be harmful to health is because of the acceptable daily intake* of the additives. Indeed, for some additives with a low ADI, there is a risk of exceeding the recommended dose. Nevertheless, it can be an alternative to reduce the intake of sugar; it will depend on the frequency of consumption and the quantity drunk daily.

30.    Frozen vegetables contain far less vitamins and nutrients than fresh vegetables
The vegetables are frozen directly after they have been harvested. So most of the vitamins are conserved and are similar in quantity to fresh ones, which are sometime kept in the fridge for days and lose their vitamins.

Balanced food nutrition - Frozen vegetables