HR beyond the office: Unconventional recruiting strategies

HR beyond the office: Unconventional recruiting strategies


Wondering where to find your new job candidates?

recruit employee

We know that in the summer season, finding quality employees is even more difficult than usual. In this article, we present to you 6 unconventional but successful ways to find new staff!

1. Boomerang Employees

Boomerang employees are people who previously worked for the company, left for a period, and then chose to return. There are several advantages to this.

First, they already know the company's culture, values, and internal processes, allowing them to reintegrate quickly. This reduces onboarding time, costs, and resources. Second, boomerang employees often outperform their colleagues due to their previous knowledge and experience in the organization. Also, while they have been gone, they have expanded their professional network, which can benefit business development opportunities.

To tap into this talent pool, HR departments can conduct in-depth exit interviews and maintain ongoing relationships. These actions help organizations ensure that employees stay connected and that their feedback is considered.

2. Return to work programs

Return-to-work programs are designed to help career interrupters, such as stay-at-home parents or those seeking further education, re-enter the workforce.

These programs are designed to provide support, training, and flexible working arrangements to ensure that a person can easily return to work. Also, returning employees are usually eager to resume their careers. These candidates demonstrate a strong work ethic and willingness to learn and adapt, contributing to a positive and productive work environment.

job candidates

HR departments can actively promote this opportunity through dedicated platforms and provide resources for upskilling and career development. Those who wish to return should receive the necessary information and training to return to work.

3. People with special needs

People with disabilities are waiting for an opportunity to show what they are capable of. They possess valuable skills, determination, and a unique ability to solve problems. Inclusive hiring practices promote equality and cultivate a culture of diversity and acceptance in the workplace. This can improve creativity, teamwork, and employee morale. Being responsive to the specific needs of people with disabilities can lead to improved accessibility for all employees and customers by uncovering previously unseen deficiencies.

To tap into this pool of candidates, HR departments must actively promote inclusive hiring practices and create an accessible and supportive work environment. This may include providing assistive technology and offering the necessary training for managers and colleagues.

4. Employees with a lower level of education

recruit new employeesAlthough a university degree is one of the most sought-after attributes of a job seeker, university is not the only place to learn new skills and knowledge. The cost of attending university has become increasingly expensive in recent years. This has made higher education increasingly unaffordable – especially for economically disadvantaged people, which has had a significant impact on the available workforce.

There are dozens of reasons why young people do not pursue higher education. This means that they acquire their skills, experience, and knowledge base from practice or in their spare time. These hires bring a fresh perspective that your organization may lack, as well as advanced skills and specialized knowledge that shouldn't be discounted just because it doesn’t come from the classroom. Consider relaxing your degree requirements (if your industry allows it).

5. Internship programs

Students, who until yesterday studied theory and whose knowledge is still fresh, now crave an opportunity for real professional experience. Your organization can find its next talent precisely through internship programs. And interns who have earned a position in your organization have a unique sense of loyalty and motivation to get the job done and succeed.

6. Voluntary initiatives

Good candidates don't only pursue their work goals. Often, they do very important, unnoticed work, namely volunteering.

Volunteers are often great employees. Participating in such activities suggests that these workers possess valuable personality traits that you would like to find in any employee. What's more, charity work often brings people together and you can easily form relationships with strangers who come from very different backgrounds. Engaging with volunteer groups can also help you increase positive brand awareness while making real connections.

BONUS: Internal Referral Program

An employee referral program is a great way to incentivize current employees to refer their friends and former colleagues to your organization.

Recruiting through this channel can be one of the most effective ways to connect with motivated prospects. When they make a referral, your employees are putting their reputation on the line, so you can trust that they will recommend someone they truly believe is a good fit.

It is good practice that this program also offers financial incentives - if the referred employee is hired, the worker who referred him receives a monetary bonus. This is a great incentive to keep your current employees on the job as well.  Not to mention, people found through this program are likely more motivated to get started, which makes for a quick hiring process.

These non-traditional ways to find staff help recruit talents with diverse skills and unique experiences. To reach these talents you need to expand the hiring practices you use. This will allow you to create exceptional teams of diverse professionals.

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